What Did We Learn About The Setting Of The Game?

We learned everything from the year Call of Duty: Ghosts takes place to the enemies involved in the story plot!

E3 attendees had the chance to get a sneak peak at a mission, titled Federation Day, which takes place in Venezuela, the home to the enemy force, also known as the South American Federation, seeking global power. The time stamp provided in the demonstration gave the year 2023. 


What lead to the rise of the South American Federation?

From what we learned, the South American Federation was able to rise to power due to “The Event”, a catastrophe that we know little about besides the fact that it left a crater in the main location that the survivors are fighting for. There has been some rumors going around saying that the South American Federation were able to gain power thanks to their success with natural resources (such as oil and gasoline). 

Who Are the Main Characters?

The demo at E3, showed a soldier (presumed to be the protagonist) and his brother as they travel outside of San Diego, a once thriving and strong city turned vacant waste land. As the main character and his brother travel through the remains of what were houses, buildings, and highways, they approach a crater surrounded by enemies which they have to clear out. 


What About The Dog? What Role Does He Play?

Activision has given very few explicit details when it comes to the man’s best friend, but we are smart and the trailers that have been shown have given us pretty good insight as to the role the pup plays in the story. From the trailers, it seems that the canine is play-able, not as in the puppy can fetch a tennis ball but more toward the idea that the gamer playing the game will be able to control the hound as if the mongrel was a drone! Wow, Activision is playing a dangerous game there with the idea of the playable dog (psst PETA) but everyone (and their dogs) love the idea of a potential playable animal! 

With E3 coming to a close, what do you think of the sneak preview of Call of Duty: Ghosts ?