We may never ever know the behind-the-scenes details about what went down between Konami and Kojima. But according to EA’s CEO, Peter Moore, this will only be a temporary setback, and we’ll be seeing a happy fairy tale ending soon.

Moore goes onto say this about his time in Japan:

He also speculated about Konami/Kojima’s relationship currently.

It looks like only time will tell. 

 “Any game that isn’t iterative in nature the way an EA Sports game is, or any series that doesn’t ship every single year… those things can go on forever. There needs to be an agreement between the publisher and developer to make sure that both parties understand when the game is supposed to ship, and what it’s supposed to be” 

“But with regards to Kojima and Konami, they’ll kiss and make up.”

What do you think? Will we see a reconciliation between Kojima and Konami? Or is this split permanent? Let us know in the comments!