There is your statement; it’s a simple as that. And technically, Peter Moore is not wrong.

Modern day FPS games have been more and more concentrated on multiplayer versions rather than single-player campaign modes. When multiplayer was introduced, it was an added feature - a little something extra that allowed you to play against your friends and shoot out your frustrations. But not anymore.

Solo needs to learn to play with friends

Today, single-player campaigns are much shorter than they once were, and games like Star Wars Battlefront are beginning to abandon them altogether. Multiplayer is getting bigger and better, and it has become the main focus of FPS games these days.

Statistics point out that solo campaigns aren’t played as often anymore, and that’s not all that surprising, in the end.

However, a different kind of single player mode has been confirmed for Star Wars Battlefront. DICE stated that bots on the map would allow gamers to play Missions by themselves. 

Quick reminder - Star Wars Battlefront will be released on November 17th on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.