On their website, they shared that the first trailer will be shown during their “The Galaxywide Premiere of Star Wars Battlefront II” panel at the Star Wars Celebration. The developers of the game, DICE, Criterion, and Motive Studios, will also be attending as well.
Star Wars Battlefront was first released the first on November 17, 2015, in North America, and it brought fans back to the Stars Wars trio – Luke, Han Solo, and Leia – as well as the infamous villain, Darth Vader.
With the new Battlefront game, fans on Twitter express their reactions towards this announcement, showing mostly excitement.
Fans will be able to see the trailer on April 15 at 2:30 PM ET/11:30 AM PT. To find out where to watch the panel online, click on here.
May the force be with you, Jedis!