Face of the Franchise is the new campaign mode that lets players compete in the college football playoffs, choosing from 10 D1 schools and creating their own quarterback. The mode simulates an NFL draft sequence from the beginning and has players train and develop their character over the course of an NFL career.

Scenario Engine re-introduces the Pro Bowl and also adds dynamic quests to help improve characters’ abilities each week.

Playbooks will bring Run-Pass Options — 220 of them, in fact — to the game, as well as new formations for each team, including new, unique formations. These playbooks make the game more dynamic and will be evolving over the course of the NFL season too, with changes made based on how the books change on the actual field.

Ultimate Missions will provide ultimate players a sort of guide and information hub. They guide players to the items and content they need so they can make the changes they want as fast as possible.

X-Factor Abilities are designed to make the superstars play like superstars and, thus, make each game unique. These include special features like Zone and Superstar abilities. Superstar abilities are always available and activated, while Zone abilities are more situation based, requiring players to complete a set of objectives before they activate.

Each star player has their own X-Factor, Superstar abilities, and these range from making it easier to catch the ball to improving cover and increasing accuracy.

These abilities are all based on special characters’ unique, real-life characteristics, with the team bringing up Juju Smith Schuster to talk about how his special moves were translated into the game.

Some general new gameplay mechanics got some attention too, including the ability to cancel actions and have tighter control over the entire team, as well as how the Madden Ratings System is getting fine-tuned for even greater accuracy.

Finally, the team reminded fans the Madden 20 closed beta is set to run from June 14 through June 16, with many codes being given out on the Madden social media channels and Juju Smith Schuster’s social channels.