Vermintide is a co-op mêlée focused first person game, set in the Warhammer fantasy world. If you know Left 4 Dead you already know the fundamentals of Vermintide. You have two weapons, and three item slots. Ranged weapons do feature, but the ammo for them is a bit more scarce than you are used to. You are fighting the Skaven, who are rat like creatures. They love to climb about and jump at you.

 Daniel Platt working hard next to the window.

After the introductions, we got straight to the interview.

GameSkinny: What’s the biggest challenge with making a Warhammer game? As it’s in such a large established franchise.

GS: So as the game is set in the Warhammer fantasy universe, what was the idea behind fighting only the Skaven?

GS: Obviously the game is team based PvE, and I guess the ideas are drawn from Left 4 Dead?

GS: What differentiates Vermintide from Left 4 Dead? Apart from obviously Warhammer.

GS: So it has RPG-lite elements to it I guess.

GS: I’m guessing the game has some sort of AI Director type deal, which will spawn enemies in at some points. But what dictates when enemies are spawned, and the types of enemies get spawned?

GS: It sounds like these different types of enemies are a bit like the Special Infected.

GS: Does this mean that Skaven attacks can affect other Skaven?

GS: I noticed that when there is just one Skaven on their own, they tend to try to hide, or run away. Or if they are backed into a corner they will just lunge at you.

GS: With that in mind, if the enemies can go anywhere, what process do you go through with building that into the levels? 

GS: As Vermintide is going for a mêlée focus, does that mean ammo is scarce?

GS: On that subject, can you just describe the two characters I played as?

GS: I definitely felt a difference between how the mêlée felt between the two. The hammer being slower, so you can’t just run up to someone and hit them, as it takes a bit of time for the swing to actually happen.

GS: Again with the Imperial Soldier. With his gun I found you can spin it up, and then fire rapidly, but I discovered that a lot of the bullets simply wouldn’t hit even when the enemies are close. So has a random recoil-ish system been built into the game?

GS: So a bow and arrow is mid range I guess?

GS: What was the biggest challenge with making all the weapons feel different?

GS: Because I like asking this question, If you could describe Vermintide in 4 words, what would they be?

GS: Before we finish up, can you just let us know when the game is out and for which platforms?

GS: Sounds good. Thank you for your time.

I would like to once again thank Daniel Platt, and Fatshark Games for the interview. It was lovely talking to you about Vermintide.

You can find more information about Vermintide on the offical website, follow the game or Fatshark on Twitter, or find Vermintide on Facebook.

If you want to pre-order Vermintide, which is out on the 23rd October, you can get a 10% discount on Steam.

If you want the game for a console, keep an eye on the news for when the Xbox One and PS4 versions are coming.

EGX 2015  Interview with Fatshark about Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide   Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide - 20EGX 2015  Interview with Fatshark about Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide   Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide - 84EGX 2015  Interview with Fatshark about Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide   Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide - 66EGX 2015  Interview with Fatshark about Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide   Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide - 77EGX 2015  Interview with Fatshark about Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide   Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide - 6EGX 2015  Interview with Fatshark about Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide   Warhammer  End Times   Vermintide - 28