Varanasi Police Magistrate A. Satish Ganesh said the occurrence occurred at around 11.30 p.m. on Wednesday night when the person in question, distinguished as Pashupati Singh, and his child Rajendra Singh, who claims a lager shop nearby, emerged from the house to mediate in a tipsy fight between two gatherings of local people.

The circumstance took a monstrous turn when the two gatherings started to attack Rajendra for interceding.

Pashupati saw his child being gone after and raced to safeguard him.

One of the intoxicated individuals from the gathering hit Pashupati on the head with a stick.

The old man died on the spot while the lowlifes escaped leaving behind a harmed Rajendra.

The dad and child were hurried to an emergency clinic where specialists articulated Pashupati dead while Rajendra is being treated for numerous wounds.

— Ajitweekly (@Ajitweekly1) October 13, 2022

The Police Chief said that the matter was being scrutinized and the blamed would be captured soon.