According to the awards program, TBS’ ELEAGUE is nominated for Outstanding Trans-media Sports Coverage, Outstanding Live Graphic Design, and The George Wensel Technical Achievement Award. These nominations are for ELEAGUE’s coverage on TBS and Twitch. The company was previously recognized and nominated for Set Design in 2017.

League of Legends is also nominated for Outstanding Live Graphic Design, specifically for Riot Games’ YouTube channel. Since ELEAGUE’s is also nominated in this category, the two eSports broadcasts will be competing against each other.

– Chuck Dages, Chairman, NATAS

If ELEAGUE or Riot Games wins in their respective Emmy categories, what does this mean for eSports in general? Since this award recognizes excellence in television and is dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television, could this be the next major step for eSports to advance into the public eye?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. ANd as always, stay tuned to GameSkinny for more eSports news as it develops.