The show will include Eli, Boris, and his mom, Angela. Eli will rejoin with Boris who is as of now out of probation in Russia. The series circulated on MTV on 15 July 2020. MTV’s existence star, Eli Kiperman is the child of the ex-crowd chief, Boris Nayfeld.
Boris procured acclaim and acknowledgment for his wrongdoings like heroin dealing, fuel smuggling, etc. He settled on drug managing and got drawn to income sans work. Be that as it may, Eli is a remarkable inverse as he has picked a more tranquil life. He strives to acquire through a genuine course and backing his mom.
Kiperman doesn’t impart a smooth relationship to his dad. Eli isn’t near Boris however it is yet to perceive how their relationship takes a turn after he gets back to the U.S. Eli Kiperman’s age is 38 years of age.
He was born on 14 March 1983 and has a prophetic indication of Pisces. Since he was born in the U.S, he has American identity. Kiperman is supporting his mom, Angela both monetarily and inwardly.
Following quite a while of marriage, she headed out in different directions from Boris in 2017. Despite the fact that it was hard, she endure the agony and not stays with her child.
Eli Kiperman’s dad, Boris Nayfeld is a previous Russian mafia and heroin dealer. Nayfeld acquired acclaim as the compelling and famous mafia during the 80s. Preceding that, he was a humble crook and gas peddler.
Boris is additionally a great suspect in the homicide of Yuri Brokhin. Plus, he was likewise needed for his heroin-sneaking tasks. In 1994, he was captured by government specialists. Following that, Nayfeld got another sentence during the 2010s.
In 2017, he got separated from his better half, Angela, and was on 3 years of probation. As of now, he is out of it and is set to get back to the U.S. Boris is right now in Russia and will move to the U.S through MTV’s ‘Groups of the Mafia’.
— Families of The Mafia (@familiesofmafia) July 16, 2021
Eli Kiperman’s total assets subtleties are not uncovered to the media. He carries on with a fair life yet doesn’t have a heavy riches. He has picked real methods of bringing in cash and endeavors to procure living.